Monday, November 16, 2020

Brain Builders Corner: Families Benefit from the Coaching Model Used During Virtual Visits


     Governor issues stay-at-home order in March, and Early Intervention services continue via new service delivery models: The state First Steps office staff jumped into action by issuing temporary policy changes to allow Early Intervention (EI) services to continue for Hoosier families throughout this crucial time of development for all children. This allowed our CDHHE Network providers an opportunity to hone our skills in delivering services via tele-practice, While some providers have been doing this via IHear services for many years, others  have attended seminars and webinars in anticipation to increase our ability to serve state-wide. Whether in the home or through virtual means, we coach parents and caregivers to use strategies and techniques and to apply them in their daily routines. Providers have seen families become empowered and gain confidence as they recognize their impact for growth with their little ones. After all, children learn best with familiar people during their everyday routines and  activities, and now parents as well as other family members are recognizing the benefit of the virtual sessions.  

Family tips to gain the most from their sessions
· Share information about your family preferences, goals, and dreams as you enter this partnership with your EI providers, and be willing to try new strategies provided by your early interventionist.
· Let the providers know what has changed since your last visit, and share struggles and successes.
· Record some interactions with your child and family members between visits that show his/her communication and interaction.
· Give feedback to your provider about what worked and didn’t work so you can problem-solve together.

Provider tips to further empower families
· Begin sessions by sharing information and encouraging parents to share successes and updates.
· Observe the family interacting during a routine or activity and  use reflective strategies. Partner with families to apply problem-solving strategies, as well as provide families with relevant information to make decisions regarding their child. 
· Check out resources available on the Family Guided Routines Based Intervention website as well as the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community’s Early Childhood Center website.


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