Monday, June 20, 2022

Language and Literacy Corner - New Language Resources Available!


Introducing new resources for families and professions related to language topics: Extraordinarily Committed to Enrichment in Language & Literacy (EXCEL²). EXCEL² is a series of flyers within our IDEAL initiative. These are intended for professionals and families and cover a variety of important topics related to deaf and hard of hearing children’s literacy and language development. EXCEL² documents can be downloaded and many have links to additional resources on each topic.

You may also consider printing and sharing with others. Perhaps Grandma and Grandpa want to know more or a school principal would benefit from the information. The flyers can be found under the IDEAL technical assistance tab. EXCEL²

will be updated with more topics, so be sure to continue to check for additional language enrichment information. Currently available topics:

· Background Knowledge

· Beyond Letters, Colors, and Numbers

· Emotional Health and Resilience Language

· Learning Through Play

· Narrating Your Day

· Screen Time

Another resource that has been added to our list of IDEAL technical assistance resources is American Sign Language and English Language Milestones—The Next Steps. The Next Steps cover milestones middle school through young adulthood and include expectations for language needed for independence and college.

     These milestones are perfect for use when developing Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and determining long-term goals or engaging in Person Centered Planning. The Next Steps milestones are available in English and Spanish.



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