Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Family & Community: IDEAL Parent Document


The IDEAL Parent Document has been under development for a year. It is designed for parents with person-centered and positive language. This document covers topics specific to children who are deaf and hard of hearing as stated in IC 20-35-12. It provides links to further reading and more in-depth information on each topic. The resource is colorful with diverse, positive imaging. It can be viewed on the web, downloaded, and/or printed. Tips for language development and useful links to more in-depth information are woven throughout this resource.  

General Language contains information about language, language development milestones that apply to all languages, bilingual/multilingual language development, and information regarding children who are deaf and hard of hearing with additional needs. In this section parents can also find tips to implement at home to encourage language development.

 Supports for Language Acquisition contains web links and resources for parents to find information regarding a wide variety of topics, including, but not limited to, communication opportunities (ASL, spoken English, visual approaches, AAC), audiological information, literacy, self-advocacy, early intervention, school-age topics, transition, and parent support groups. This section may prove useful to families that are interested in exploring a specific topic further.

 Laws and Policies for Children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing contains information on federal and local laws including IDEA, ADA, Section 504, and FERPA. It explains IDEA Part C (Early Intervention) in Indiana and IDEA part B (school-age), including the process for requesting, implementing, and/or determining the need for services as well as terminology that is important for caregivers to know.

 Milestones contains development language milestones for children who are deaf and hard of hearing ages 0-11 years. This document provides receptive, expressive, social, and print language skills milestones. The receptive and expressive language skills include both American Sign Language and spoken English language developmental milestones.

 How to use this document

Caregivers are encouraged to use the section of the parent document that meets their needs. You are welcome to  engage in all of the sections of the resources available now or consult the table of contents and select only the      information you need at this moment. While this document is written for parents, individuals who are working with families and children who are deaf and hard of hearing are encouraged to utilize this colorful resource to help provide families with information, resources, and tips. Individual pages can be emailed or printed to give to families or placed in a binder to be utilized as a coaching resource.



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