Monday, September 28, 2020

Staff Spotlight: Jaqueline D. Hall-Katter


Thoughts on Creativity and Art

As you will see throughout this newsletter, the IDEAL Parent Document is live on our website. I had the privilege of providing much of the artwork within the document. So how did a bilingually trained Speech-Language Pathologist also have art to provide to this innovative document?

 As I helped with the IDEAL advisory committee, a primary concern of the members was how all this information would be in a parent-friendly document. My brain started churning. The document needed to be diverse and appeal to multiple generations. So what does an SLP with a lifelong devotion to learning do? Starting last October, I took marketing, digital art, and graphic arts classes. Soon I was learning to draw using photo references and exploring various textures through digital art programs. I learned how to create graphic art. Some things I created were awful, some really good, and everything in between.

 I have always been a part of a creative family. Raising four young children reduced my time for creativity, but I spent 25 years creating and sewing dance costumes for my boys to fulfill that need. I also wrote books that never saw the light of day, started a blog, and took  action dance photos. Once my last child graduated high school, I found I had time to explore more avenues. I began with resin-finished computer- manipulated photos and thus started Katter Kreations. My art is seen in the renovation of my home with hand-stenciled floors and mosaic steps and at my daughter’s wedding in her floral arrangements.

 Creativity is a key component to learning, growing, changing, and becoming uniquely you. The arts develop cognitive connections and keep your brain healthy. Creating helps you learn to fail gracefully and use         mistakes as opportunities to discover entirely new approaches and perspectives. It is calming and can reduce anxiety. Creativity can be found in writing, Lego, Minecraft, drawing, cooking, gardening, dance, music, and so much more. I hope you find the IDEAL Parent Document visually appealing and consider what creative endeavors you and your children can explore.



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