Monday, September 7, 2020

Teachers Den

Summer is a great time to enrich your child’s skills. Here are some great ideas to take advantage of summer weather and build family memories!


Hearing Device Maintenance

>Have your child help with changing batteries and basic cleaning.

>Have your child indicate if the battery is working.

 Auditory Development

>Have your child identify sounds in and outside of the house.

>Have your child practice turning  their head toward someone  speaking to them .

Language Development

>Talk about the things you see, hear, taste, and smell inside and outside.

>Read books together and talk    about the pictures.

>Make a no-bake cookie recipe together; talk about each step.


>Count objects, touching/pointing     to each one.

>Use magnetic letters or cut out letters for your child’s name; have them work on putting the letters together.

>Have your child trace their name.

>Have your child find things from a category that you name—specific colors, toys, kitchen things, etc.

>Talk about the shapes of objects  that you see on a walk.



Hearing Device Maintenance

>Monitor your child as they check/change batteries and clean their devices.

>Have your child learn when to use    a dehumidifier.

Auditory Development/Assistive Tech/Emergency

>Have your child identify sounds inside of the house or outside.

>Investigate closed captioning options: TV, streaming services,  DVDs, video games, websites.

>Create/practice an evacuation plan in case of fire.

Language Development

>Talk about the things you see, hear, taste, and smell inside and outside.

>Have your child complete a simple craft; have your child explain to a friend or family member how they made the project.

>Play a board game.

>Discuss your day.


>Have your child take pictures of activities they did and write about that experience.

>Have your child read books for at least 20 minutes daily.

>Have your child practice math facts on the sidewalk with chalk.

 Middle/High School

(all activities are independent)

Hearing Device Maintenance

>Complete daily device maintenance.

>Make a contact sheet for ENT and audiologist.

>Document hearing device make/model/serial numbers and battery requirements.

Assistive Tech/Emergency

>Investigate assistive devices to use  in the home (fire alarm, alarm clock, phone, other alerting devices).

>Create/discuss emergency plans for fire, weather, accidents.


>Take career assessments:

skills, interests, values. Look at the  top 10-20 careers/jobs listed under each assessment; compare trends.

>Research career/job interests, skills, schooling needed.

>Research other options for training and requirements for training opportunities.


>Read/research topics of interest.

>Read books for enjoyment.

>Keep a journal documenting your summer experiences, thoughts, and feelings.

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